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Cultivated field
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We have joined forces with Eataly to promote a culture of sustainability and inspire people to make small daily gestures in support of the environment. Our first step is a joint energy efficiency project inside Eataly stores.

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We have optimized energy use in Eataly stores through the installation of a monitoring system that allowed them to reduce energy consumption. Together, we have created Sustainable Paths : a shared journey to consume less and live better.

cooktop or plate
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We promote energy efficiency initiatives along the entire supply chain, both within Eataly stores and among its suppliers. Together, we aim to empower consumers through workshops and educational programs, fostering conversations about energy even in the kitchen.

A journey in 4 stages

The Eataly stores in Rome, Milan, Turin, and Piacenza provide the backdrop for a sustainable journey divided into four stages, complemented by the exceptional quality of the finest national products.

Butcher shop
We intelligently manage the air conditioning systems, thus avoiding the emission of 150 tons of CO2 per year for the store's activities.
We optimize energy usage by installing an advanced system, that ensures optimal temperature and comfort throughout the year.
Cured meats and cheeses
We reduce energy consumption by optimizing temperature, humidity and CO2 levels and teaming up with our suppliers to make production processes more sustainable.
Wine cellar
We ensure high-quality air by monitoring humidity and CO2 levels, respecting the needs of the wine, its storage environment, and its tasters.

Gentile utente,

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